Friday, March 20, 2009

I have not posted in awhile since we have misplaced our camera! We have searched everywhere! We do not go that many places so I don't understand how we lost it. We searched both of our parents houses and around and under and behind the areas that we thought that we might of put it. I just hope that we will be able to find it when we move!
Other big news items-
We have decided to make another move. We have loved our apartment and our ward! Really sad to leave but it will work out better for us. The apartment that we have found has a highly recommended landlord/owner from my friend Jason Anderson who used to live in the area. It is in West Valley and just a literal hop skip and jump from the Harmon's that Jared works at. That way I will be able to have the Van most days.

The last piece of news I believe most of the family and such has already heard. Jared was able to get a new position at Harmon's. It was quite a miracle actually. He had been working in the bakery at the SJ store and although he 'baked' several shifts a week he was not receiving the bakers pay as technically he was a 'packager' and also he was only promised 32 hours a week. He heard about an opening at the West Valley Harmon's for the 'People Support Manager' (aka HR) he applied and we really had a strong feeling that he would get it despite the lack of some possible qualifications. They took a long time making their decision and in the end he was told the position was given to someone else.

We were very disappointed and started to look a bit more fervently for another job. Jared was contacted from a place that had found his resume online... he went and they hired him to work in the mail room... it would have been slightly better pay and possibility of overtime. The next day Jared was set to go work out a new schedule with his manager to work both jobs when he was called up to the store directors office and told that he was now actually hired for the People Support position, and that he would start on Monday! (this was Saturday!) Wow! He received almost a 6$ raise and a promised 40 hours!!

Jared had 2 weeks of training and enjoyed that time a lot! This week has been his first at being on his own and I think he is adapting well. He is loving his new job. Was pretty fun going from working in the Bakery at one of the lesser positions and then going to the manager meetings and getting his OWN OFFICE! His duties include interviewing and hiring for the store, teaching classes, and lots and lots of paperwork! Another great thing about this job is that Jared gets to make his own schedule... within reason of course, he still needs to work at least one evening a week and a couple of Saturdays a month so more employees are able to get a hold of him. Right now they are of course... due to the recession, not hiring many people right now so it does take alot of Jared's duties away... so since he runs out of work right now he works in the Bakery still a couple shifts a week.


Andreason said...

Sounds like a great job, and that jared is enjoying it. Good I am happy for you guys!

LittleFamilyJL said...

Congratulations again, you guys! We are so happy for you!